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The Competition

Lunghe notti insonni, cambiamenti all'ultimo momento, The Competition documenta i retroscena che caratterizzano un concorso di architettura: Jean Nouvel, Frank Gehry, Dominique Perrault, Zaha Hadid e Norman Foster competono per la progettazione del futuro Museo Nazionale d'Arte di Andorra. Il documentario mostra come i più noti architetti del mondo siano sottoposti a grandi pressioni, elaborino strategie e lottino per battere la concorrenza.


Sleepless nights, last-minute changes: competitions are a source of great stress for architects. Even big international firms are not immune to the anxiety they generate. Five star architects, Zaha Hadid, Jean Nouvel, Frank Gehry, Dominique Perrault and Norman Foster, are filmed in their day-to-day lives as they prepare to enter an architectural competition for the National Museum of Andorra. What ensues is a fascinating and often merciless account, as they struggle and strategize to beat the fierce competition.

sarà presente il regista / the director will be present

Angel Borrego Cubero
Spagna / Spain, 2013
99’, inglese, francese / English, French

Teatro Augusteo / Augusteo Theatre
h 17.00

Later Event: October 17
Francesco Arena – Posatoi